
Tropikalistički manifest

1. Tropikalizam je Tropikalizam
2. Svaki Tropikalizam je hedonizam, ali svaki hedonizam nije Tropikalizam
3. U Tropikalizmu svaki dualizam je troičan, pa se zato kaže: Ti i ja smo troje!
4. Tropikalisti obožavaju žene, broj 17 i dobru kapljicu
5. U Tropikalizmu sve materijalno je nedeljivo, a sve duhovno deljivo
6. Cilj Tropikalizma je dobar provod, kako u kratkotrajnom, tako i u večnom životu
7. Prvi zakon tropikalizma kaže promeni N u K, i Z u D i budi srećan!
8. Toplina je od ključnog značaja za Tropikalizam. Idealna zona za Tropikalizam je tropski pojas nevinosti. Tropikalizam se može primeniti bilo gde, ako je temperatura preko 17 stepeni
9. Topikalistička logika je i ova i ona, umesto ova ili ona
10. U Tropikalizmu je svaki aspekt komunikacije seksualne prirode, ali to ne znači da svaki seks ima veze sa Tropikalizmom
11. Tropikalisti nastoje da promene svet, ali da ga promene tako da se ne izmeni
12. Tropikalizam je konzervativno avangardni poikret koji se pleše
13. U Tropikalizmu je sve povezano sa svim i svakom
14. Svi izmi su sadržani u tropikalizmu
15. Tropikalizam treba promovisati preko tropikalističkih klubova i srećnih soba. Masovna podrška nije neophodna za Tropikalizam, a li je neophodan masovni elitizam.
16. Onaj ko ne razume Tropikalizam i bolje da ga ne razume, ali je to za njega gore
17. Suština Tropikalizma je ljubavna vatra


Vladimir Đurić Đura


PostgreSQL: How to insert random BOOLEAN

This is just a quick tip, I did some searches and couldn’t find a solution to insert random Boolean values into postgres table.

General Php SilverStripe

Posting links to Facebook from PHP – not from localhost

While working on an update for one of my SilverStripe modules, I came upon a problem which held me back for some time, changing configurations and doing all kinds of tests.

The thing is – Facebook engine verifies the link you’re trying to post, so the post from localhost fails with “Unknown error”. You need to give Facebook a link it can scrape and extract meta data from it, so for testing purposes use an existing link, and when your test is online try how the regular link would work.

CMS Php SilverStripe

Silverstripe 3.0 Grid Fields with Thumbnails

Silverstripe 3 has been out for a few months now, and most the big bugs have been fixed… This tutorial describes the code required to set up a grid field to manage ‘Has Many’ relations. Eg – a staff page that lists many staff members.

Also, we’ll add in some code that will make the table list in the CMS display a wee thumbnail of each staff member – making it much easier for CMS users to manage the content.

Create the Staff Page

Create StaffPage.php

This is the page on your site that contains all the staff page. Eg, one ‘staff page’ -> ‘has many’ -> ‘staff members’

Create the Staff Member Object

Create StaffMember.php

This is the object that contains data about each staff member. They belong to a Staff Page

In the code above, we simple create a DataObject, and define two feilds, a name, and a details.

We also attach the DataObject to an image object (allowing us to add an image) and to a page – this forms the connection with the Staff page it belongs to

At this stage, upload the files, run a dev/build and create a ‘staffPage’ in your CMS. You should be able to see a datagrid and start adding staff members and photos.

Displaying Thumbnails in your Grid Field in the CMS

However, the grid field will probably just list your items by their ID – which is a bit meaningless.

By adding the code above into the StaffMember.php file,  we can define the fields (summary_fields) that are shown on the summary table in the CMS.

The function getThumbnail takes the attached Image, and creates a thumbnail to use in the summary fields.

JavaScript jQuery Php SilverStripe Tutorial

Silverstripe 3 – Per user page access permissions

Most of the times group access in SilverStripe is sufficient for controlling user access, but for this project I had a specific situation where every user needs to have a dedicated page. In order to avoid unnecessary editing and creating groups for each individual user, I decided to extend SiteTree and create a page with per user access control.

So, I’ve created a new page type, since I only needed it for a single page type, but you can extend/decorate SiteTree any way you like.

Let’s get to the code. This goes to mysite/code/FilePage.php

So, let’s break it down a bit:

I’ve created a new variable – CanViewTypeExtended to replace SiteTree’s CanViewType, since I couldn’t find the way to add an option (If you know a way, feel free to drop a line). It replicates SiteTree’s CanViewType with OnlyTheseMembers option added, which is our per user access type.

Then, we have has one ViewerMember, which holds actual user ID for single user (I’ve limited it to one user, since using any more would be a group).

The rest is pretty basic, mostly copied from SiteTree with a bit of additions, getSettingsFields  is a standard function for updating the Settings tab in CMS. There we have first included the JavaScript file, which will be shown later, and is only for decoration – showing and hiding fields based on selection.

Then we have created Member selection field, to pick a member to which the access will be granted, and replicated creating CanViewType field from SiteTree.php with addition of our new OnlyTheseMembers option.

After this is saved, all that is left is to check user permissions in canView() method. Since we don’t use CanViewType any more, but have replaced it with CanViewTypeExtended, the entire function is copied from SiteTree.php, except for the last part which grants the access if current member is our selected member:

if($this->CanViewTypeExtended == ‘OnlyTheseMembers’ && $member && $member->ID == $this->ViewerMemberID)
return true;

So, here’s the remaining js file, which goes to mysite/javascript/CMSMain.EditFormMember.js


Php SilverStripe

Install Tidy on Ubuntu

Not something big or important, but I just tried several ways to get tidy library on my Ubuntu box, and none other then this worked. Might save some searching to others.

sudo apt-get install php5-tidy

Tidy is recommended for running SilverStripe (not required).

php5 comes with Tidy library preinstalled but it has to be compiled –with-tidy which is sometimes skipped (well, on the box I’m setting up for example).

CMS Php SilverStripe

Silverstripe 3 Grid Field Config Options

The grid field system in Silverstripe 3 has a number of preset config options – here’s what they do, and what they look like:

No Config

If we don’t add any config options, the grid field just displays a list of items…  We can’t view the record details, or edit anything though…


$gridfield = new GridField(“RegisterEvents”, “RegisterEvent”, $this->RegisterEvents());
$fields->addFieldToTab(‘Root.Events’, $gridfield);



This option just adds in the ability to click the magnifying glass and view the details of each item – but not edit anything.




Now we’re starting to get something useful – a list that lets us Add, View, and Remove records…



The final option is the Relation Edition set up. This adds features to work with ‘has-many’ and ‘many-many’ relationships.

See our article about Many_Many relations for more details

Custom Config

Or, you can just create an empty configuration, and add the bits you need….


General Uncategorized

One Div – Pure CSS3 icons

I ran into this website for the first time today and I liked the project.

The aim of One div is to create a library of single element logos/icons. All the icons presented there are realized in pure css with only one html <div> element.

This is great as alternative for svg/images, as all the icons created this way are 100% responsive. Some icons also have animation effects which would be impossible with other formats.

For more info and demos visit:


Pitch & Tone • Silverstripe caching

In this post we’re going to cover how silverstripe’s caching works. There are two ways to cache, both have pros and cons.

Static caching
Quite simply static caching saves the HTML output via php to a static HTML file. Silverstripe then monitors (via some functions you create/edit) when content is updated so that if an HTML file in the cache becomes out of date it can be regenerated. As the cached file is a complete HTML page it means performance is incredibly fast. Rather than hundreds of milliseconds or even seconds of php execution the page now the site will respond is less than 20 milliseconds…

Read more on: Pitch & Tone • Silverstripe caching.

CMS SilverStripe

Map Module

One of the HotelCMS modules is the map module, enabling hotels to showcase nearby places of interest.

All the places are displayed on the map, with distance from hotel shown, using custom icon set and customized info window.

Both front and back end use the latest Google Maps API – V3.

You can check out an example on:

88Rooms Hotel