Use Zend Framework 2 from sub folder

I just started testing the Zend Framework 2, and I wanted to give it a quick look around with the Skeleton Application. I didn’t want to add virtual hosts to my local Apache, as I have more important stuff I’m working on, so I just wanted to make a folder for it and run the application.

I’ve read some post about placing it in sub folder, but the real thing was much simpler. What I did was installing the application in https://localhost/zend/, then just copied everything from “public” folder to the sub folder root . After that, it was enough just to comment out the line:

// Change the folowing line: chdir(dirname(__DIR__)); // to: //chdir(dirname(__DIR__));


It’s just as easy as that, navigate to  https://localhost/zend/, and you should be presented with skeleton application.


One response to “Use Zend Framework 2 from sub folder”

  1. saverio Avatar

    Hi clone,

    Hi applied your solution but it not work for me. I get the “Internal Server Error”. I used version 2.2.4.

    Any ideas ?

    Thank you so mush

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