
Go back to Yahoo! Mail classic

Since the Yahoo! Mail switched to the all new beta, I’m having trouble with Reply and Compose buttons not working. It only happens when I’m on my job, behind a proxy server, but still bugs me that I’m not able to send any email.

For some time now, there is no option to switch back to classic mail from the new beta, so I needed to find a new solution.

After a lot of searching I’ve found this links that point to various versions of Yahoo! Mail, and it helped me getting my mail to work. Here they are, hope they will help you if you’re having the same trouble.

All-New Yahoo! Mail :
Yahoo! Mail Classic :
Yahoo! Mail Beta :

CMS jQuery Php

Complete MeSs

Complete mess is the name I’ve decided to give to my CMS system. Unlike the name says, it’s really quite intuitive and straight forward to work with. It’s built using PHP/MySql with jQuery for enhanced user experience and speed.

As it is still in development faze, I’ll only put a couple of screenshots here. It will not be publicly released, but used internally for the websites I create.

The thing I aimed for while building it was to make it easily upgradeable, because each web site I work on has specific needs and custom options. I’ve decided on a modular structure, so modules can be added or removed to suit the clients needs.

Other requirements that needed to be fulfilled:

  • Multi-language support (With possibility to easily add/change languages)
  • Reusable standard elements (Content pages, news, galleries)
  • Flexible front end display, so everything can be re-styled fast
  • Inter connectivity between elements

Check out some screenshots, and I’ll be blogging about technologies used soon.



Hello world!


Well, I always wanted to start a blog, but when I had the time to write one, I had nothing to write about, and when I had something to write, I was mainly figuring out some hard stuff for my projects, so I had no time to write about it.

Now, I’ve decided to start writing here about the stuff I encounter and (mainly) solve while programming and working on various stuff that I do. I’ll also write about some casual stuff that follows what I’m doing besides my professional carrier.

So, here I go, it’s time to start blogging.